Saturday, November 1, 2008

Greenville, SC: The Month in Math

Miles since last blog: 23.5

Route to Greenville

549.5 Miles walked
17.73 Miles per day average (w/days off)
27.45 Miles per walking day average
0 Hours in the rain (The sun shines on Skip)
2 Flat Tires
30+ Forest Gump references
1 Not-so-evil twin
1 TV spot
1 Radio interview
3 Newspaper Articles
4 States
1 District
2,753 miles left (roughly)
5 Months to go (about)

Hmmm . . . I guess I opened a 7 or an 8 pack of adventure (see Catonsville, MD blog)

Also, thanks for all the calls and emails. The night walk helped me clear my head and get perspective and the response has been nice seeing that people care out there. The whole thing has pushed me back to gain the perspective I had lost. I need help on the road, but the important thing for me to remember is that only get one chance at this so I need to do it right, and for me, at the heart of this, "doing it right" means doing it my way. In the rush to create a new and different life where I could help people and live as I wish, I went and created the very thing I was trying to escape from. I can't say it won't happen again, but I am getting better at recognizing my mistakes and correcting them. I want to show people that if they are strong and have courage they can live the life they want, not the life they think they should or the life they can get safely.


Coach J said...

I'm so glad you found your way. I had this big huge speech-email all planned to send to you today, as I've been thinking a lot about you, but it seems like you've got it all figured out. I will add this, however: a good teacher is worth his or her weight in gold. What you've already accomplished in the classroom as a teacher will have more impact than any amount of money you could raise on this walk. Let the walk be for you. Those of us on the frontlines of teaching will keep fighting the good fight. We love and miss you.

Kneece said...

fabulous! i'm so proud of you! i knew you'd figure it out.